Vision : The aim of BAISHNABGHATA UDAYA SANGHA is to serve the needy people more & more by giving financial help,medical treatment with free medicine,proper guidance for their children’s education, daughter’s marriage etc.We want to develop sports & games , exercise by yoga & modern gym to unite the more youth participants of our locality.We want to work hard for the development of streets, light & sewerage system by the help of government &K M C within the schedule system & procedures.Also want to increase our public relation more by making very close association with local clubs ,associations and dwellers providing brotherly love and affection.
Mission : A Org dedicated to social cause and upliftment.this the main MANTRA of ours which made our club distinct from others. So to increase our membership strength by making more good companion for the noble cause of serving people, will be our main motto.” Our slogan is service to the mankind “ We look forward to continuing the important task towards society for fulfilling the mission of B U S. Any suggestion from is always welcome.